SyncTimes offers browser extensions allowing users to have the SyncTimes app open side-by-side with other internet windows. Visit this link to download the extension.
Google Chrome
Get the extension onto your Chrome browser
Click on the indicated icon at the top right of the web page
Click on the drop down that in this case says "Bookmarks" (yours may or may not be the same)
Select "SyncTimes"
It will pull up a side panel of the SyncTimes app. After you have logged in, you may view different web pages side-by-side.
Microsoft Edge
You can follow the same link in Microsoft Edge to get to the Chrome extension. Once there, press "Get Extension" at the top
Then click the indicated icons. The puzzle piece at the top-right of your browser --> the sidebar icon next to "SyncTimes"
After that, the extension works the same as it does in Chrome, allowing you to have side-by-side views in your browser