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Last updated
User permissions are delineated so that administrators can grant rights according to user need and to protect user information. The following permissions are available under the User Group:
Create, update beacons, update photos, update users, view users.
To assign a Beacon to Equipment go to the Equipment Home Page and click the green circle with a + sign in the upper right of the screen to create a new piece of Equipment. You will Follow these steps to add the equipment and assign a Beacon:
Add an Image to identify the Equipment.
Click Next
Provide a Name for the equipment and Serial # to identify the item.
Click Next.
Type the Beacon ID number that is located on the label printed on the Beacon, starting with the letters IR..., and then click ADD BEACON.
Click Finish
Organization admins add users upon initial set up and on an ongoing basis. Users can be added in bulk from existing employee lists or individually within the SyncTimes system.
When adding new orgs, adding users by mass importing can save time by using existing human resource platforms that have the capability to export employee information or existing Excel spreadsheets.
Create an Excel spreadsheet that includes three columns, first name, last name, email address.
Save the spreadsheet as a .csv file.
In SyncTimes, select Users on the left hand navigation menu.
Select the "upload" icon in the upper right hand corner.
Drag and drop your .csv file into the window.
Click Next at the bottom right hand corner of the Import Users window.
Map the fields by dragging and dropping corresponding columns. (e.g. First Name to First Name.) *Note that some of the fields might already be mapped.
Click Next.
Review entries for accuracy.
Select the appropriate User Type for each user.
Select the Admin checkbox when appropriate.
Click Import Users. A confirmation screen informs the user how many imports were successful and how many were not. It notifies the user about why imports were unsuccessful and allows the user to correct/update failed imports and to try again.
In your Users page you now have a list of each of the users. Their default picture will be the company logo until you change it. You can edit pictures and other user settings at any time by clicking on the user.
Organizational level admins may add users individually when there are new hires or when there are low volumes of users to add.
From the Users page click the "+" button in the upper right hand corner.
Add an image, first name, last name and email address.
Click Next.
Choose the User Type.
In Advanced Settings choose whether or not the user is an Admin.
Assign a beacon
If the beacon will be assigned later click Finish without entering a Beacon ID.
If you are ready to assign a beacon now see the Assigning Beacon section below.
New users will receive an email once their account is created in SyncTimes. If users accidentally delete or can't find the email an Admin can easily resend it from the Users page.
Users can reset their passwords on their own through the "Forgot Password" function on the login screen. If they need additional support resetting their password the Admin can do so by clicking on the user in SyncTimes, and selecting "Reset Password".
User permissions allow administrators to determine varying levels of access. Permissions are listed in alphabetical Permission Group Sets.
Each User is assigned a single Beacon. To assign a Beacon to a user
Go to the Users Home Page, and search by name or badge number to find the user.
Select the User and a menu will open on the right side of the screen. If the User has not been setup follow the steps to Adding Users.
Click on the Beacon ID field and type the Beacon ID number on the label on the side of the Beacon, starting with the letters IR...
Click "Add Beacon" to finish assigning the Beacon.