Wearing the badge allows care team members to easily find each other for routine patient needs, and in the event of emergencies.
Wearing the Badge
Badges can be displayed on a user's lapel, lanyard, belt, or clipped to the outside of a pocket. To ensure optimal functionality with the line-of-sight light sensing technology, badges should be worn externally rather than concealed within clothing. For best results, it is recommended that users clip their badges above the waist.
Below are two types of Badges: the Safety Badge (left) and the Clip Badge (right).
Charging a Badge
Badge batteries should last approximately 1-2 weeks. If a red light inside a Badge is flashing, it is time for a charge. You can also know if the Badge needs a charge when the battery image appears on a user's image on the Flowstation.
Tip: Users should set a recurring appointment at the end of a shift to charge their Badge overnight.
Safety Badge Buttons
The battery button (on the right) indicates battery level, with green meaning charged and red meaning low battery.
The duress button (the plus symbol) sends an alert to flow stations and tablets, showing the location of the staff member who needs assistance. Each clinic can customize its use—whether for routine help or more urgent situations.