
Lobbies are a great way to show patients in the waiting rooms their estimated wait time and patient education.

Configure Lobby View

Lobby views on televisions in the waiting room can be configured using the keyboard that comes with that TV. Follow the instructions below to configure education and wait time sequences.

1.  Locate the gear icon on the top right of the screen.

2.  Select the desired department(s) for that TV. (i.e. which department providers should be displayed?)

3.  Select the educational content to display and the duration to display it.

4.  Click 'Save'.

Overriding Wait Time Estimates

When wait times don't match the actual wait time experience, staff can manually override the displayed wait times.

1.  Enter the lobby view from the SyncTimes homepage

2.  Click on the time under the provider icon.

3.  Select the range for your estimated wait times.*

*Hours in effect: This function applies your override for a set amount of time. Set the "Hours in Effect" for however long you believe the provider will be behind schedule.