EHR Mapping

Connect your EHR to SyncTimes through the EHR mapping section in the Admin Console

Mapping Departments

1. Navigate to "EHR Mapping" in the SyncTimes Admin Console.

2. Filter all available mapping types to "Department".

3. Include/Exclude departments as appropriate.

4. Map the department by "linking" departments.

Note: SyncTimes may have more departments than the EHR. This happens when health centers want to separate their existing departments into sub-departments. (i.e., One site has a different department for each hallway or pod and/or sub-departments, including specialties like OB/GYN and Peds, etc.).


When this happens, check to see which rooms and corresponding sub-department the patient's provider is assigned to and send the patient to the corresponding sub-department waiting room.

If a provider is not assigned to a room, their patients will appear in the default department waiting room.

Choose “is default” for the primary department.

Appointment Status

Include or exclude appointment statuses. Make sure to clearly understand which of their appointment statues should trigger a "checked-in" and "checked-out" patient etc.

Appointment Type

Include or exclude the appointment type.

Provider Resource

Providers must be added in SyncTimes before this step can be completed.

1. Filter the “Mapping Type” by “Provider/Resource”

2. Click "Manage Links".

3. Search for the name of the provider
4. Click “Create Link”
Locking Providers to Departments.

When provider departments are generally permanent, use the User console in the Admin console in SyncTimes to lock the user to that department.

Nurse or Lab Visits

When health centers want to display "Nurse Visit" or "Lab Visit" etc. in the waiting room follow these steps:

1. The customer creates that “Provider Resource” in their EHR
2. A corresponding user is added in SyncTimes as a “Provider”.

Exclude Providers

Exclude providers when

  1.  Their site isn't actively using SyncTimes and they won't 'float' to the active site(s)
  2.  Their specialty doesn't need to appear in the waiting room. (i.e., behavioral health appointments don't need to appear in the medical waiting room.)